“For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The blossoms have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.”
—Song of Solomon 2:11-12

A Message from the Director!
Greetings! I hope you are enjoying the warm weather! The snow has melted, mud season is fading, the birds are chirping, and the outside activities are being ushered in with sunshine and smiles.
That reminds me — it’s time for our ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE WITH BBQ LUNCH AND PRAYER WALK on June 10th. It will be a morning to pray and an afternoon to share laughter, smiles, and encouragement. We’ll even have a mini cornhole tournament with some friendly competition.
You, my friend, are invited to our annual open house which is also our annual fundraiser. This year, we have financial needs that we will be asking you to pray about. We have a remaining $11,179 on our mortgage. If it was paid off, our budget would be reduced by $556 per month. We also have a leaking roof in our sunroom. We’ve had many try to fix it, but we unfortunately still hear dripping. A full strip with new flashing would cost about $2,000. Our big request is that of our budget. In order to make it through to giving season in the fall, we are short about $20,000. Your generous donations will help the least of these find healing and restoration through a loving and healing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are thankful and praise the Lord that He meets all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus our Lord! May we give Him all the glory!!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor David Piers

We would like to welcome Richard Signore to Covered Bridge. Rick has been with us since mid-December, and has since become a heavily involved house member, as well as a valuable volunteer in the community! Welcome home, Rick!
—My name is Rick. I’m 56 years old and have been at Covered Bridge for four months. I’ve struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for most of my adult life. After a bad car accident 20 years ago and falling off a roof, a few years later I became addicted to opiates- both doctor prescribed and self-prescribed. My addictions have repeatedly caused me to lose everything I hold dear in life. After 15 inpatient programs, over 30 detoxes, and countless twelve step meetings, nothing would ever work for any great length of time. In desperation, I cried out to God – “either help me or take me” – and He answered.
I came to Vermont for a 15-month Christian men’s program. While I believe that it helped nurture the seed that was planted, I eventually hit a ceiling. I knew I needed something more to be able to continue to grow in the Lord. I thank God I found Covered Bridge. I truly believe it’s one of the greatest blessings of my life. In a few short months, I feel I’m finally becoming a new creation in Christ because it’s the only focus of the program. The goal of the house is focused on raising up strong Christian men through intense discipleship— creating faithful service and community-minded men. The program also focuses on a transition back into life as exactly that kind of “kingdom-minded man.”
I now realize that nothing on earth will ever get, and keep me, clean and sober. The only thing that will is God- through the love, strength, and forgiveness I found in the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God every day for Covered Bridge. God bless you all. Praise God.

Saturday, June 10th - 2023
Order of events
10:00am -Prayer Walk
12:00pm – BBQ
12:45pm – Ministry
1:00pm – Fellowship

Prayer Walk
Our 20th annual prayer walk will begin at the house at 10:00am. Depending on the mix of the crowd, there may be two different routes again to have different lengths available. The walk(s) usually end between 11:30 and Noon- right around the time the food is ready!
The food will be ready around 12:00pm following the prayer walk. We do ask that if anyone should decide to bring a dish to share, that they kindly let us know beforehand so that we may be fully prepared with enough space to accommodate extra dishes.
A Ministry update will follow, along with Games and more fellowship! We can’t wait for you to enjoy this special day with us!

God has clearly shown me that I am a spiritual father and that I have the power to intercede, through prayer, for my children’s salvation. Praise God! Please pray for my gospel presentation to my daughter DJ and that she in turn will surrender her life to Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayers during this period of my spiritual growth and divine refinement. Please consider praying for God to continue refining me and allow me to serve Him through appointed ministry assignments. Near or far I am ready, willing and able to do His bidding. I’m eternally grateful for the Covered Bridge family standing in the gap and supporting me.
I praise God for my new employment adventure in the seafood department at Price Chopper and the direction in life that God is providing for me. Please pray with me for God’s continued direction and guidance in my life and my discipleship while at Covered Bridge.
I praise God for bringing me to Covered Bridge, allowing healing to happen in my heart, and opening doors for me to transition into my Grandmother’s home. During this transition, please pray for protection from the enemy, and to help me keep my eyes focused on the Lord.
I praise you, Lord, for the healing that is happening in my heart and my emotions. There is nothing more healing than a friend sent by God. Thank you, Lord, for the friends here at Covered Bridge. Please pray that the Lord watches over my family and homestead details while I’m at Covered Bridge.
I thank God for Covered Bridge in helping me change my life through discipleship and the word of God. I’m also blessed that they will see me through a joint surgery so I may be healed in mind, body, and spirit! Please pray that I remain unwavering and steadfast in my faith as I prepare to deal with my brother’s recent ALS diagnosis, and the changes that will come for both myself and my family.
I have been managing a battle against diabetes for over 30 years. I praise God for His help to cope with this affliction with joy and confidence — that He turned this affliction into a blessing for me to learn to depend on Him. Please pray with me that God would keep this diabetes from getting worse as I look forward to many healthier years doing God’s work.