Hello summer!
A favorite of the seasons— summer invokes a unique sense of serenity with its warm sun, tranquil rains, songs of nature, and vibrant colors dotted with an occasional magnificent thunderstorm! Here in Vermont, it’s also the season to get the outdoor chores done before the leaves begin to fall!
Our summer had an awesome kickoff with our 20th anniversary prayer walk/BBQ! We certainly enjoyed our time of fellowship, and we thank everyone that took their time to pray and celebrate with us!
Covered Bridge is entering a new season of its own. Now, more than ever, we pray for your support financially, as well as in prayer. We know that God will provide, and now is the time to make sure that every man — no matter how hurt, no matter how afraid, no matter how poor — has access to the resources at Covered Bridge Recovery Ministry.

Brother Roger Returns!
A few years ago Roger was able to go on his first short term mission trip to Alaska. He returned feeling very good about how he was able to help and what was accomplished. He worked very hard and was able to use heavy equipment to clear land and get it ready to build a garage on. His skills and abilities and his work ethic were greatly praised.
The camp serves young people by introducing them to Jesus Christ and His power to change their lives. Like many of us, Roger was raised in a family and a culture that puts strong emphasis on making money and accomplishing tasks. Growing up he did not see the importance of valuing relationships over task accomplishment. Since Roger’s salvation this has slowly been changing.
Last year God allowed Roger to have a stroke that greatly altered his ability to do the work he was accustomed to doing. This appears to have been God interceding in his life- slowing him down and showing him it’s not all about tasks, it’s about loving people and relationships. This year it was uncertain that Roger would be cleared to travel, let alone what the new effects of his stroke would have on his abilities there. Roger was only able to work hard until about noon each day. The rest of the day was a much slower pace that allowed him to deepen his relationship with others, and really be part of/rely on, the team.

Roger was touched by witnessing first hand, the UBC team efforts of doing God’s work- seeing 86 children to Christ this season! Roger also dug in deeper and had a greater appreciation for the daily devotionals- written by our own Greg Meisel! Roger feels immensely blessed for both himself, and the camp- that these wonderful works are still in use today! We know that God values relationships over all things, and Roger was feeling God’s acceptance through His people, in spite of his inability to work like times of past. Mary would have greatly approved of what God is doing in Rogers heart, while on the other hand Martha would have been hoping a few more tasks had been completed!

Congratulations Michael & Kristine

Coming up in October, Covered Bridge staffer Michael McCaffrey will be marrying Kristine! Michael was an on-again, off-again resident of Covered Bridge for eleven years. The reconciliation over these years between Michael and Kristine is purely of Christ. The love and healing of the Lord has brought them into a God-centered life and home. Celebrate and praise the Lord! Please pray for this blessed union between these two, as well as with their four children!
“Without the support of Covered Bridge through the years, I would be dead or in jail. Without your support of Covered Bridge, I would not have known who God really is or of His Son, our Lord Jesus. Your blessings have turned our lives over to God’s love and care!”

God continues to be glorified at Covered Bridge Recovery Ministry. We have exciting news–our newest resident, Ryan, has prayed for salvation!! He is so grateful and such a blessing to be around. Prayers are appreciated for his continued growth.
In other news: For years, we have been encouraged with a $32,000 grant from the state of VT health department. They have always been hands-off and only required minimal reporting. Recently, they began to put pressure on us to become certified under the National Association of Recovery Residence (NARR) and the Vermont Association of Recovery Residents (VTARR). The CB board and I chose not to pursue certification because it meant bending to, and coming under, the state’s progressive agenda.
Unfortunately, we lost the grant, but it is also freeing. God does not want us yoked to anyone who opposes His Word. I truly believe that God has already spoken to me and said it’s time to take a plunge of faith into “Deeper Waters.” Years ago, when we lost the DOC grant, God asked us to trust Him as the “waves grew higher and the waters got choppier.” He provided miraculously through His people. Now, as Pastor Steve Clark has said, “Deeper Waters- greater haul.” Deeper faith brings greater peace, less fear and doubt, and a bigger/greater reward (after all, we are fishers of men).
Listen to “Oceans” by Hillsong and then listen to “Deeper Waters” by Hillsong and you will understand. We choose to trust Him through it all God bless you for supporting this very fruitful ministry in the lives of men.
Please pray that God will continue to supply CB’s needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.

God bless,
Pastor David Piers

Please pray that God speaks to me and guides me as I make decisions about my future path, and that it be according to His will. I praise God that I will soon be attending my eldest daughters wedding to the man that brought her to Christ! Please rejoice with me in this God-centered union of man and wife!
I praise God for his healing hand that, after my stroke, I was still able to join the Alaskan team this year at Victory Bible Camp! Please pray for continued reconciliation with my family (my son especially), as well as the safe return of our team back from Alaska.
Please pray for the continued restoration of relationships with all the people who were adversely impacted by my past sinful behavior. I praise the Lord for my time at Covered Bridge, where their Christ-Centered recovery approach is saving lives, both physically and spiritually!
Please pray for my continued sobriety, and my future growth here at Covered Bridge. I praise the Lord for helping me be an overcomer and building a new life!