Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. —Philippians 4:6

With everything that 2022 has brought upon our lives, there is much we can be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
This year offered Covered Bridge new challenges as well as opportunities to bolster our program with some new directions as well as a fresh perspective on how we view our program! This new family perspective has highlighted how grateful we are for the simplest of things when we let Christ into our lives!
While many are still struggling this Thanksgiving, we hope you are able to take a moment and practice some gratitude for all that Christ has offered you in 2022!

We Welcome Sam Jones to the Covered Bridge Family
Hello, my name is Sam. I’m 28 years old, and I’m so happy to be warmly welcomed into the Covered Bridge home. Here is a glimpse of my experiences that show my transition from a life in darkness to my life in the Light! All praise be to God!!
As long as I can remember, I’ve always felt afraid, alone, and lost in this world; like a trapped little boy who lost his way. Growing up, I built a personality formed into what I thought the people of the world wanted to see. Experiencing abuse outside of my home as a child and not knowing how to process it, I felt terrible and even hated myself at times.
At the age of 14, I found alcohol and drugs which helped build my mask and hide from the world. I fell in love with the feelings of escape and continued to run and hide. Anything would get the job done, whether it was drugs, alcohol, sex — you name it, I tried it.
I fell in love with my now fiancé at the age of 20. We had two kids for whom I could not sober up no matter how hard I tried or how many rehabs I went to. I spent countless nights hiding my drinking, not even coming home at night, and spending almost every morning saying my well-practiced, “I’m so sorry.” Soon there would be no one to say sorry to because I couldn’t keep my relationships afloat due to my continual drinking, drugging, lying, stealing, cheating, and manipulation. It got to the point where I was spending every dollar I had on crack cocaine and booze, wanting to die, even if that meant leaving my family. But God….
God brought people into my life to show me there was another way out. I packed my things and spent 4.5 months at Adult and Teen Challenge. That is where I gave my life to Christ and fully submitted to Him because my life was out of control. God pulled me out of the muck and mire and gave me purpose. I have transitioned to Covered Bridge to reunite with my church, be closer to my family, and to finish out my discipleship journey and live a Christ-centered life. Covered Bridge gives me a safe place to put God’s truth into practice, learning humility and how to serve. Hell lost another one, because I am free!!!

Thanksgiving season is upon us! I am so very grateful for the hand of God in my life and am feeling especially thankful for the loving relationships that God has surrounded me with. I also praise God for His faithfulness in providing for the Covered Bridge Recovery Ministry. He has moved in the hearts of people for twenty years, allowing this fruitful ministry to flourish.
This year has seemed more challenging due to the loss of our final state grant (too many strings attached), increasing the amount of funds we needed to raise substantially. Then Facebook changed its matching strategy for Giving Tuesday. They now offer a match for monthly giving donations only. If you decide to give a monthly donation to Covered Bridge (which is very helpful and greatly appreciated), your gift for the second month will be matched.
In addition, we are very thankful and praising the Lord for donors who have offered a matching pledge of $30,000. If you give to Covered Bridge for any amount/any way, it will be matched dollar for dollar up to $30,000. You can give your gift through Facebook, our website, Paypal, or snail mail – whatever is most convenient for you. The matching time period is from November 29 (Giving Tuesday) through December 31, 2022. We will periodically update a “giving thermometer” on our website, so you can see the progress toward meeting our end goal of $82,000.
We value your continued prayers and support for the men at Covered Bridge. May the Lord bless and multiply the seeds of your generosity throughout His kingdom.
—Pastor David Piers,

I praise God for the opportunity He’s opened for me to work and live back at my home church —New Hope! Please pray for reconciliation between my son and I, as well as the continued growth of my relationship with my parents.
I praise the Lord for my recent breakthroughs and victories over trials in my life. Please pray that I overcome the attitude of discontentment and the sin of pride.
Thank you, God, for leading me to Covered Bridge and revealing to me the door that you have opened for missionary work in Malawi, Africa. Please pray for God to continue refining me, so the I can serve Him well with honor, love, and humility as His ambassador/missionary.
Please pray that my focus remains on Christ while I work through my sins of pride, rebellion, and control– conforming to the image of Jesus Christ for Him to fulfill His purpose for me. I praise God for the opportunities at UBC of being involved with running Mens’ Breakfast, as well as working as an usher.
I praise God for reuniting me with my family and church. Please pray for my focus to be on Christ and for me to remain faithful during my time of healing, as well as God’s continued provision for my family during this time.

God bless you all!