Message from the Director!
At Covered Bridge, we have much to be thankful for. It has been another year of harvest in God’s kingdom. What an honor to be part of God’s great commission! What a privilege to walk alongside the men at Covered Bridge as they grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!! When a man comes to CB, they are usually feeling lost, unloved, unappreciated, hopeless… What a perfect opportunity to introduce them to Jesus Christ who offers a comprehensive rebuilding package including forgiveness, healing, and a loving family to be part of!!
To continue to keep CB thriving, we need to raise an additional $72,000 this fiscal year to satisfy basic budgetary needs. Fortunately, to get us started, a generous donor has pledged a $15,000 matching gift. Yes, your gift will be doubled if given by December 31. You will be supporting a group of men who are hungry to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and reconcile broken family relationships. Please pray about your role in this fruitful ministry. Every day is a spiritual war zone at CB. Please pray for the men as they surrender and work to overcome spiritual giants in their lives.
We are thankful for your prayers, support, and encouragement!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor David Piers

Reflections from the Men of the House
This year marks 3 years from when I had my first stroke. A lot has happened since then. I transitioned from Covered Bridge to New Hope/River of Life to work and live on my own. After being up there a year, I had a second stroke. This time I realized that God was really trying to tell me something which was to slow down and be patient. By ignoring wise counsel, I had to go through emergency eye surgery. Then I had that second stroke because of my self-reliance. Now I’m back at Covered Bridge and in the body of UBC who welcomed me with open arms. I’m very thankful for the support I have, especially from God. I wish everyone happy holidays and a prosperous new year!
I’m thankful this holiday season for God restoring my relationships with my children. It’s only by God’s grace, and by learning to live from biblical principles learned at Covered Bridge that these incredible blessings are happening in my life. “God will always make a way!” I truly thank everyone that supports Covered Bridge- it’s been one of the greatest agents of change in my life. God bless!
I am so thankful to my Lord and to Covered Bridge for giving me the opportunity to have a complete shoulder replacement surgery in a safe environment. I’m grateful that my recovery is going well. I know it’ll be a long process. I also know that with the Lord’s help, it will be healed! I’m thankful for the continued spiritual guidance during this time of need.
As the newest resident of Covered Bridge, I’m extremely thankful and grateful for this fellowship. It is plain to see God is doing His work here. The men at Covered Bridge have been extremely supportive and gracious with their time. By God’s grace I’m here!
I thank you, Father, for giving us your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us so we can have eternal life. I’m grateful for the Holy Spirit’s comfort, counsel, and guidance as I go through this time of divine refinement. “All is well with my soul.” Battling cancer has made me realize that the most important part of life is relationships. A relationship with God is utmost, relationships with family and close friends is next, and the relationship between us and our church body reminds us of the importance of all relationships. God is in control of everything in my life. I’m thankful that He is.

Your Giving Goes Further!
Thanks to a generous donor, Covered Bridge was gifted a $15,000 Matching donation to kick off our 2024 End of Year Giving campaign. From now until December 31st, every dollar you donate will be matched up to the 15K. With Giving Tuesday just over a week away, we ask you to please prayerfully consider supporting Covered Bridge!
Have You Considered Monthly Donations?
Why are monthly donations so important for us, and convenient for you?
IT’S AFFORDABLE- By donating monthly, you invest what makes sense to you, and your impact lasts all year long!
IT’S EASY- You can register just once, and have all future donations done automatically!
IT’S SUSTAINABLE- Automatic monthly donations help Covered Bridge to use a planned long-term approach, assuring a stable source of income throughout the year.
IT’S A COMMUNITY! – You join dedicated supporters that understand the importance of God’s word, and how it restores broken and hurt men.